Virgin Mary ABVM Feasterville


Liturgy Board

Since Liturgy is the highest form of prayer and “the source and summit of the Christian life,” it is crucial that close attention be given to preparing liturgical celebrations that are both reverent and relevant. The Liturgy Board is a group comprised of the Pastor, Deacons, Coordinator of Religious Education, and coordinators/representatives of each liturgical ministry: Altar Servers, Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Music, Environment, Ushers, Greeters, and Assembly/“People of the Pews.” Representatives are invited by the Pastor to serve for an unspecified term.

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month and agenda items include evaluation of recent liturgical celebrations, preparing for upcoming seasons and special liturgies, dealing with issues related to specific ministries, etc. In addition, the Liturgy Board has sponsored sessions to inform lay ministers and all members of the parish about updated liturgical practices, as well as Holy Hours to encourage spiritual growth and community.

Questions or comments may be directed to Deacon Bob at 215-357-1221 or email

Please click here for the Current Liturgical Ministry schedule.

Assumption B.V.M. Readers

A reader proclaims the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical events. In a sense, they “lend their voice” to God who speaks to his people through them. Success as a reader depends on reverence for scripture, conviction, preparation, and effective delivery. Candidates of sufficient age (high school and up) and competence undertake this ministry after fulfilling a period of preparation and training. For questions or to become part of this ministry, contact Deacon Eric at 215-357-1221, ext. 24, or email

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionAssumption B.V.M.

Extraordinary Ministers (EM) of Holy Communion are confirmed adult members of the community who help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly during Sunday and daily liturgies. The pastor and parish staff select our EMs to meet the needs of our community. Some of our members also bring the Holy Eucharist to the sick and homebound of the parish, to nearby hospitals and to those in area nursing homes within our parish. For questions or to become part of this ministry, contact Glen C. Michaels at 267-307-0248 or email

Assumption B.V.M. Altar Servers

An altar server assists the priest at Mass and at other liturgical functions such as Holy Week services, Forty Hours and weddings. As a representative of all the lay people in the parish, the altar server plays a prominent, visible role in the church’s worship. For this reason, he or she must commit to take this responsibility seriously and perform assigned duties with dignity and reverence. The ministry of altar server is open to applicants from grade 4 and up. Adults are also welcome especially for funerals during the school year. A period of preparation and training is necessary before undertaking this ministry. For questions or to become part of this ministry, contact Deacon Eric at 215-357-1221, ext. 24 or email

Please click here for the Altar Servers schedule.

GreetersAssumption B.V.M.

Church Greeters are an important part of our hospitality ministry at Assumption. A friendly face and a smile make people feel welcome and at home. We can be found at the church doors before Mass. We also help hand out special information, handouts, or booklets after Mass. In addition, these volunteers keep a lookout for visitors and anyone in need of special assistance. Joining the Greeters is a great way to meet members of the parish too. For questions or to become part of this ministry, contact the rectory at 215-357-1221.

Assumption B.V.M. Uhsers

The most important job of an usher is to make parishioners and guests feel welcome at each Mass celebration. An usher invites members of the congregation to serve as gift bearers and, as needed, helps with seating and coordinating movement of the congregation during Holy Communion. In addition, an usher assists with the collection basket during the offering. Ushers also offer assistance in case of medical or other emergencies. If you would like to become part of this special ministry, or would like more information, please contact Michael Arment at 215-470-2050 or email

Liturgical Environment

The job of Liturgical Environment requires devotion, imagination, and sacrifice. Much of what we do is only temporary. Liturgical colors change with the season. The Church year dictates changes in decorations. For example, the simplicity of Lent contrasts with the joy of Christmas. On some occasions there is very little time to transform the environment, but we must always keep in mind that the setting should inspire faith in others. Help is always welcome with flower arranging as well as set up and clean up, especially for "special" celebrations throughout the year.

For more information or to join this group contact Rick Korimsak at 215-355-0625 or email

Liturgical Ministry Schedule

Please click here for the Lay Ministers schedule.

Regular Mass

Saturday Vigil

Sunday Masses
8:00 am
11:00 am

Daily Mass
Mon - Fri
8:30 am

Holy Days
6:30 am
10:00 am
7:00 pm

9:00 am

Parish Giving

