Virgin Mary ABVM Feasterville


As you take the time to explore our website, you can draw a conclusion that we are a very active parish. Assumption BVM is a tight-knit family of faith, dedicated to our Blessed Mother, Mary. We are disciples of Jesus, who worship God and love our neighbor. As you get a “glimpse” of our many activities, I encourage and invite you to experience our family, and enhance our family by sharing your talents and gifts.

Reverend Mike Davis




The ABVM Evangelization team is organizing the Autumn Door-to-Door mission for the morning of Saturday, September 28th. There will be an 8:30 am Mass at ABVM and then we leave from the rectory basement at 9:15. We will be knocking on doors and chatting with our parishioners and inviting those who have been away for a while. Contact to volunteer or ask questions.


Church Clean Up
We are in need of volunteers to clean/spruce up the Church on Friday mornings after the 8:30 am Mass. No lifting, only light cleaning.
It takes less than 30 minutes and the more volunteers, the faster we get done. Please consider volunteering 25 minutes of your time any Friday morning at 9 am. It will be greatly appreciated.

Grief and Loss Group
A new community will form at ABVM among those grieving, to become support for one another. The group will meet in the Rectory Meeting Room on Tuesday afternoons from 1 pm to 3 pm on September 10th, 17th, 24th, and October 8th, 15th, and 22nd. There will be an onsite retreat in November (date to be announced). For more information, please contact Eileen Iandola at email

Fatima, Lourdes and Spain Pilgrimage
From September 30 to October 10, 2024 with Father Mike. For information or to make a reservation, please go to or contact Kinjiro Otsuka at 267.214.KIN0 (5460).

Healing Mass
The Parish Healing Mass on October 12th will include the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. If you have family, friends or yourself with an illness of mind or body, please plan to attend. When arriving you will be guided as to where to sit and be registered as receiving the sacrament. If anyone would like to have prayers said over them after Mass, we will have prayer teams available to pray for your special intentions. No prior arrangements need to be made.

Bus Trip to the Blue Army Shrine
There will be a bus trip on Sunday October 13th from our church to the Blue Army shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Asbury NJ. The bus will leave at 9am and return around 4pm. We will join thousands of pilgrims who come to the shrine on the 13th of each month to honor Our Lady and to pray for peace. Call the rectory to reserve a seat or write your name and phone number on the sign up sheet on the desk in the hall outside of the restrooms.

Knights of Columbus

If you are looking to live out your faith in the spirit of charity by helping others, our Knights of Columbus Council Regina Mundi #4052 welcomes you to join us, If you are a man 18 years or older, please contact Rich Gathercole at 267-261-7337 or Steve Jackson at 267 315-5294.

SAVE THE DATE: The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a parish Fall Pancake Breakfast. The event will be held on Saturday, September 14th from 8:00 AM till 11 AM. For more information and tickets, contact George Benson at 215.630.0182.

The Knights will be organizing our parish March for Life trip to Harrisburg, PA on Monday, September 23rd, 2024. There will be a Mass at 6:30 AM. The ABVM bus for Harrisburg, PA will depart the Church at 7:00 AM. Parishioners who are not able to march can take the bus to the Saint Patrick Cathedral and then walk a few blocks to the pickup location. Box lunches are being provided. Anyone interested, please email ( or text (267.315.5294) and indicate what type of sandwich (turkey, turkey and cheese, ham, ham and cheese). If you are looking to live out your faith in the spirit of charity by helping others, our Knights of Columbus council Regina Mundi #4052 welcomes you to join us. If you are a man 18 years older, please contact Rich Gathercole @ 267-261-7337 or see one of the Knights after Mass. You can scan the barcode by going to and click on Join Us.

OCIA-(Formerly RCIA) Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

OCIA (Formerly RCIA) is the process by which Christian adults enter the Catholic Church.
The program is for those who have never been baptized, those who were baptized in another faith tradition, or those who were baptized Catholic but never completed the sacraments of initiation (First Communion and Confirmation). If you, or someone you know, is interested, contact Deacon Eric at 215.357.1221 Ext. 24 or Sessions start up again on September 20 at 7:00 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room.

Letter of Eligibility to be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation

Click here to learn how does one obtain a Letter of Eligibility to be a godparent for Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation

Parish 75th Anniversary

As part of our upcoming 75th Anniversary; the parish is preparing a special Family of Faith Commemorative Book. Along with collecting photos and ABVM current and historical information we are accepting sponsorship donations from businesses and families/individuals to be listed in the book. There are several Sponsorship donation levels and donations can be made by check or electronically through Parish Giving. Any donations are greatly appreciated! Sponsorships can be listed in memory of a loved one or by an individual business or family name etc .

Make check donations payable to Assumption BVM, indicate Assumption BVM 75th Commemorative Sponsorship and note the family name or loved one to be listed.

Electronic donations can be made via Parish Giving at Log in (or sign up) and choose Give Now then select category Fund Raising and select 75th Anniversary. . Enter an amount to donate or chose an amount listed. In the memo section indicate the family name and loved one to be listed in memory. Levels of Sponsorship include Platinum, $1000 Gold, $500 Silver, $250 Bronze, $125, and Other.

Craft Fair

When: Saturday, September 21, 2024 Time: 11am to 3pm Where: Assumption BVM Church Outdoor venue, indoor if raining. Any questions, email Kristin at

Fall Bible Study

Our Fall Bible study First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community began Thursday, September 5th at 2:00 PM in the AMC (old school library).Participants will meet every week to participate in a time of lively group discussion and fellowship followed by viewing an engaging video presentation. To register: (1) Send your name, phone number and email address to Deacon Bob: ( (2) Order your workbook ($27.95) and online video access ($6.95) from Ascension Press ( or call 1-800-376 0520.

Parish 75th Anniversary Events

October 12, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Make sure to save the date. In preparation for this yearlong celebration, we will be having a Beef and Beer Fundraiser called Dancing Through the Decades.

November 3, 2024. The celebration will begin with a special Mass and a social in the Parish Hall. The celebrant for the Mass will be Bishop Timothy Senior.

September 14, 2025, A Sunday Funday parish family fun day. A concert on the parish field, a car show and a Jack & Jill bingo. The parish will also be having its recurring annual events, focusing on the 75th anniversary.

Regular Mass

Saturday Vigil

Sunday Masses
8:00 am
11:00 am

Daily Mass
Mon - Fri
8:30 am

Holy Days
6:30 am
10:00 am
7:00 pm

9:00 am

Parish Giving

